7 Wonders To Discover The Nuragic Civilization 0 Comments

Visiting the numerous Nuragic sites that, like precious stones contained in the treasure chest of the Sardinian territory, shine throughout the island, we are enriched with a cultural heritage that has no equal: the Nuragic Civilization. This region holds the magic of its treasures, all to be discovered, admired and loved unconditionally.
The Nuragic Well of Morgongiori - It is called the temple of Sa Scaba 'e Cresia and is a hypogeic well temple, a wonderful archaeological work built 3200 years ago. It was dedicated to the gods who supervised the role of water and protected them to avoid the terrible droughts and devastating floods.
The Swords in the Stones - Some swords have been found during the fascinating Sardinian archaeological research, most likely votive, driven into the rock by the Nuragic or Shardana warriors. The Nuragic votive swords may have been the offer of warriors, or they testify alliances between tribes, or treaties between village leaders, promises, or contracts.
The Mother of the Murdered: The Sardinian Piety - It is said that in the early 1900s, a young shepherd named Mulas had found in "Sa Domu 'e S'Orcu", on top of the mountain that probably housed a prehistoric centre of bronze craftsmanship, a strange statue, about 10 centimetres high, depicting a woman sitting with a man in her arms.
The Oschiri’s Rocky Altar Of Santo Stefano - If you have a preference for archaeological sites, so typical of Sardinia, where you may feel the magic of ancestral atmospheres in the most absolute way, where the eye embraces history and history embraces you, then, just outside the centre of Oschiri, there is what you are looking for.
The Petrified Forest of Carrucana - "When vegetable remains are transformed into minerals… here there was a decidedly different landscape and climate, consisting of lakes, forests and volcanoes that at some point "interacted" with each other, as in a huge alchemical crucible.”
The Dueno’s Vase - The Etruscan tradition used the so-called "talking objects". It concerned a handmade product (in this case a vase made up of three matching containers) where an engraved message was speaking firsthand to whom the object was given.
Nuragic Bronze Statuettes - A precious legacy which allows us to understand what they looked like and the everyday life of the Paleo-Sardinians. In fact, 39 cm high maximum of 2.5 cm minimum, they portray people of various social classes, patriarchs or village leaders, warriors, gods, animals, weapons, vases, wagons and the nuragic nacelles.
"[...] the sensitivity and the value universe of the Ancients represent an essential lifeline." Sandahlia, The Two Faces of the Soul by Stefano Piroddi
Written by Daniela Toti
In the photo: a nuragic bronze statuette (photo taken from the web)
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