The Winx Fly To Sardinia 0 Comments
World of Winx is an Italian animated series, created by Iginio Straffi, which tells the adventures of a group of teenage fairies who face battles and magic to save their Magical Dimension. Their name comes from their beautiful wings, where the final "gs" of the word wings has been replaced with an "X", precisely to remember a pair of wings.
But the brilliant news is that they are now the characters of an eight-episode miniseries "Winx Club - The Magic of Italy", sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the fourth episode of the series is set in our wonderful Sardinian Island.
The famous Winx fairies bring with them the island’s charm in the world, which is not only the Sardinian Sea, but also the Nuragic archaeological heritage, which we will never be tiredf to promote for its richness, beauty and value.
The eight episodes are distributed all over the world, through consulates, embassies and Italian cultural institutes, to promote the beauties of Italy. It has been translated into nine languages alongside Italian: Japanese, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Korean, Vietnamese and Mandarin, so that the exceptional historical, cultural and landscape value of lesser-known but peculiarly beautiful Italian locations is enhanced and promoted.
And here our fairies will lightly land on the “Su Nuraxi Barumini” Archaeological Area, we already described, archaeological UNESCO heritage site, they will then go to the Marmilla Castle, in Las Plassas, 270 km and three hours by car from the Gabbiano Azzurro Hotel & Suites.
The Castle is a medieval fortress, which rises above a hill in the centre of Marmilla, in the central-southern part of the island. Stronghold of the Judicate of Arborea, legend tells that judge Mariano IV lived there first and then (perhaps) did his daughter, the legendary judge Eleanor of Arborea. The Castle was an interpreter of the island's Middle Ages and as well of its disputes.
Having accomplished their mission, our fairies decide, at the end of their journey, to go to admire the La Pelosa beach in Stintino, often elected among the most beautiful beaches in Europe, on the north-western Sardinia coast, with its sea of thousand shades of blue, within the Mediterranean scrub setting, near the small beautiful village of Stintino.
I was definitely surprised and fascinated by the idea that the immense Nuragic cultural heritage could be introduced to today's children and youngsters in that magical way that only winged fairies can do.
“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” (William Butler Yeats)
--Written by Daniela Toti
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