11 Interesting Facts About Sardinia That You Might Not Know 0 Comments

11 Interesting Facts About Sardinia That You Might Not Know

Perhaps something more than just "curious facts" but rather precious peculiarities of this wonderful Island that would complete your "Sardinia Experience" with news and facts belonging exclusively to Sardinia. An excursus within ancient traditions, the precious bisso and the enigmatic lady who cut the thread of life; in the most seductive and intriguing hypotheses concerning Atlantis and Christopher Columbus and the Templars; in the most unbelievable nature of stone shapes, forests and rare ponies; among works of art as old as the lapwings and as new as those preserved under the sea ...

  1. A Merciful Killer: The Mysterious Female Accabbadora

A "noir" but intriguing note, between reality and legend: "S'Accabbadora", the one who ends, from the Spanish acabàr, ending. Like a parca, the one who breaks the thread of life, the one who resolves the sufferings of those who are ill without remedy, the one who gives the "good death" ... but also helps life to be born.

  1. Atlantis, The Center Of The World And ... Sardinia!

The fantastic hypothesis, shared by some experts and equally contested by others, allows us to dream that the Atlantis described by Plato might indeed be her, Ichnusa, Sardinia, wonderful island of Italy.

  1. Pinna Nobilis and the unique Byssus: The Magic Fabric From The Sea

Pinna Nobilis used to live in numbers in our sea and was detached from the bottom to use the tuft of filaments and work it by transforming it into fine linen, golden fabric subject to countless myths and legends.

  1. The Sardinian Stones

The granite rocks have been gradually eroded by the sea, the wind, the rain and shaped into rounded reliefs that take on singular forms, which are fun to give a similarity, which often identifies the name of the place.

  1. Sardinia: 2018 European Forest Island Award

The "Forest Island of Europe 2018" prize was awarded to Sardinia by the European Forest Institute (EFI), which recognized the value of the island's natural heritage. Delivered on Monday 19 March 2018 in Nuoro, effective environmental policies were rewarded, attentive to the needs and specificity of the Sardinian territory, protecting their Mediterranean forestry.

  1. MuMart - Underwater Art Museum

Acronym that stands for "Maritime Museum of Art", it is the only submerged museum in Sardinia, with statues depicting subjects related to the marine world, positioned in the seabed of the Golfo Aranci sea.

  1. Was Christophers Columbus Sardinian?

The beautiful hypothesis that tells that Christopher Columbus was Sardinian by birth, born in Sanluri in the Province of Southern Sardinia. A Christopher Columbus of noble origin, who presents Sardinia as the protagonist of the history of the West.

  1. Masks Of Sardinia & Its Spectacular Folklore

The masks of the Mamuthones, Issohadores, Boes, and Merdule, among the best known in Sardinia, belong to two different traditions. The Mamuthones and the Issohadores are typical masks of the Mamoiada carnival parade in Sardinia. The Boes, and the Merdules instead belong to the barbaric tradition of the carnival of Ottana in the province of Nuoro, which depicts the struggle between the animal nature of the Boe and the intelligence of man, the Merdule.

  1. The Pavoncella (lapwing)

We find it in fabrics, chests, ceramics, rugs, jewelry and even in the party bread. The figure of the Sardinian lapwing, which has become art, is one of the most popular motifs of the Sardinian Craftmanship.

  1. The Giara's Plateau & Its Wild Horses

Sa Jara is a Sardinian word for a plateau located between the Marmilla hills in the Sardinian Hinterland, that houses the approximately 700 horses of the Giara, which are assumed to have been brought to Sardinia by the Phoenicians in the Iron Age (1200–1000 BC). They survived only on the plateau because of the natural isolation of the Giara, bordering precipices and ravines that the ponies cannot tackle.

  1. On The Tracks Of The Sardinian Templars

The passage of the Knights in Sardinia has been subject to controversy because some scholars claimed that the Judges had inhibited their entering and others that had favoured it through, precisely, the Judge of Torres. Today there is a tendency to support the thesis of their passage on the island.


by Daniela Toti

In the photo: a natural stone in Golfo Aranci that resembles a scorpion fish


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