Orosei: Saint Anthony Abate's Bonfire
Kategorien Traditions & Folklore Food Experiences & Activities Entertainment - Nightlife - Music Tags traditions & folklore history & culture food experiences & activities entertainment - nightlife - concerts 0 CommentsOrosei is located at the foot of a volcanic hill on the Cedrino river valley, an hour and a half from our Gabbiano Azzurro Hotel & Suites, 100 km south. Historic capital of the southern Bar...
mehrTombs Of The Giants
Kategorien History & Culture Experiences & Activities Tags history & culture experiences & activities 0 CommentsIt seems that the Giants' Tombs were religious sites, but the most interesting and intriguing discovery is that these structures were built exactly where the energy channels of magnetic forces existi...
mehrGolfo Aranci's Mermaid
Kategorien Traditions & Folklore Sealife & Watersports History & Culture Golfo Aranci Tags traditions & folklore sealife & watersports history & culture golfo aranci 0 CommentsA peculiarity that guests visiting Golfo Aranci must not miss is the song of the Mermaid rising from the sea. From the depths of the blue sea, right in front of the Town Hall, emerg...
mehrCapo Figari & Figarolo Island
Kategorien Nature & Landscape History & Culture Hiking & Trekking Golfo Aranci Experiences & Activities Tags nature & landscape history & culture hiking & trekking golfo aranci experiences & activities 0 CommentsGolfo Aranci is not only famous for its stunning beaches and pristine seawater. This tiny fishermen village has a lot more to offer. Trekking through the beautiful Mediterranean scrub is a valid alt...
mehrThe Pillar of Light in Golfo Aranci
Kategorien History & Culture Golfo Aranci Tags history & culture golfo aranci 0 CommentsOn the 11th August 1932 in Golfo Aranci, Sardinia, Guglielmo Marconi was the first person to successfully undertake an experiment with an efficient system of wireless telegraphy using extreme ra...