Sa Genti Arrubia: Pink Flamingos Of Sardinia 0 Comments

In Sardinia, colours are lording it over in all its nuances and those who love Sardinia as I do, know it very well. Let's start with the shades of the Sardinian sea, which are the most magical vision you may look at. Countless elusive shades of blue, turquoise, azure, green, emerald ... then the many greenish shades of the Mediterranean scrub mixed with the various greyish tones of the granites as well as the brownish varieties of the soil and of the beaches.
But another colour is becoming increasingly typical in Sardinia: pink. It is not unusual observing in the Sardinian skies the pink spot of flamingos flying from one area to another in the island.
Sa Genti Arrubia, as the pink flamingos are called in Sardinia, have been living on the island for generations thanks to the humid and uncrowded areas that are the right habitat for these very special fowls. They move in quite numerous groups and are very shy and fearful.
The pink flamingos are able to find in Sardinia, among the various molluscs, aquatic insects and small crustaceans they eat, the pink shrimp Artemia Salina that provides the feathers with the peculiar colour shading from white to intense pink.
The areas in Sardinia where pink flamingos can be seen are:
• Olbia in the area of Poltu Quadu - 20 minutes 20 km from Gabbiano Azzurro Hotel & Suites
• Orosei (Nuoro) in the pond of sa Curcurica - 1h 30 m 92 km from GAH & S
• Cagliari (Molentargius pond and Santa Gilla) 3 h 290 km from GAH & S
Cagliari is the only city where pink flamingos nest in a continuing way. There have been sedentary specimens for 40 years. The sedentary population of flamingos in Italy has tripled in recent years and prefers Sardinia. The "flamingo sardus" species is in fact typifying.
The most beautiful times of the year to see the pink flamingos in Sardinia are the first weeks of June, when these beautiful birds decide to stop and nest, colouring the whole area in pink, and during winter, when they rest while waiting for the spring nesting time.
The group courting ritual, in which the males perform proper dances with wings and neck trying to delight the partner, takes place at the end of winter and the beginning of spring.
The name of Flamingo was given to them by the Spaniards subsequent their seduction dance, appearing to be flamenco. The poults of flamingos, the pullets, are born in summer and are ready to fly at the beginning of autumn, joining the wonderful pinkish flight of the adults of the group.
“Never seen birds, with their iridescent wings, rise from the pond, as if they rose from the water, drawing in the sky a kind of rainbow: perhaps a mirage” (Grazia Deledda)
by Daniela Toti
Photo credits Laura Mor
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