Tepilora Regional Park 0 Comments

Just 73 km away and an 1:15 drive from the Gabbiano Azzurro Hotel & Suites, there is the Tepilora Regional Park. There are approximately 8000 hectares of limestone peaks and granite plateaus, untouched forests, pathways, springs and waterways. From the Lodè’s mountains to the village of Posada, the park was proclaimed by UNESCO in 2017 "biosphere reserve", i.e. a place recognized for environmental sustainability and biodiversity.
The protected area is named after the Tepilora Mount, a triangular rocky peak of 530 m, which stands out from the Bitti woods background where the stags live. The golden eagle nests near the mountain, and peregrine falcons, buzzards and sparrowhawks fly over the peak. Recently planted coniferous vegetation goes together with the Mediterranean scrub, where wild boars, weasels, wild cats, hares, martens and foxes live. Holm oaks, junipers, cork oaks and wild olive trees grow there as well. In the undergrowth we find strawberry trees, rosemary, myrtle, heather and even orchids.
The park, whose peak is Nodu Pedra Orteddu (almost 1000 m), is full of springs, some hidden among the thick greenery, others forming waterfalls. The Posada River has its mouth at the eastern border of the park, connecting the mountains with the sea. Among the reeds and rushes growing amid the curves of its delta there are the nests of various aquatic birds, including the gallinule, a medium-large aquatic bird with a wingspan of 80-100 cm. which is found only in Sardinia. It can be recognized by its beautiful colour, because as an adult it has a cobalt-blue body and a light blue chest.
It is certainly the ideal place for nature and trekking enthusiasts, but not only. Even from the historical-cultural side the park has its treasures: the San Pietro nuraghe in Torpè and the Romanzesu nuraghe in Bitti, very important Nuragic settlements. It is also worth visiting the mediaeval village of Posada with the stronghold of the Giudicato of Gallura, the Castello della Fava, one of the best-preserved mediaeval fortresses in Sardinia.
The Castello della Fava, built in the 12th century, was named after a legend which tells that around 1300 a Muslim fleet besieged Posada trying to conquer it by starvation. But the inhabitants of the village, now at the end of their strength, planned a deception for the besiegers. They made a pigeon eat what was left of their supplies, a handful of broad beans (fava in Italian). They wounded it and released it in flight. The bird fell into the enemy camp with a full stomach. This abundant meal of the pigeon made the Arabs believe that the castle's supplies were still abundant, and so they give up on continuing the siege.
The Park, Tepilora Biosphere Reserve, is the precise destination for a holiday in harmony with nature. Mountain voices, river movement, sea song...
“We need parks and greenery. Parks are the gifts that fathers prepare for their children and grandchildren.” (Fabrizio Caramagna)
--Written by Daniela Toti
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