Babbay Nou El: was Santa Claus Sardinian? 0 Commentaires
"Jingle Bells Jingle Bells"'s time! The Nativity scene is ready, the resin scent of the Christmas Tree fills the air and Santa Claus is almost here.
However, someone wondered why is Babbo Natale called this way only in Italy while in other countries he is named after St. Nicholas, an important Saint of the Catholic world, who becomes Santa Claus, Sinterklaas, St. Niklaas or San Nioclas. Well, we like to believe that there's a reason.
All pre-Catholic religions were celebrating the winter solstice as one of the most significant moments of the year. The sun, at its lowest point on the horizon, died on December 21st. For three very long days, the sun remained hidden in its place in the dark, and then, on December 24th, the new sun would finally arise announcing the return of life.
Was this the reason why Jesus was said to be born on the night of December 24th, the night of the rebirth? And the three days? Would they be symbolically represented by the three wise men bringing him three gifts? In fact, the number three is also present in the three balls with which St. Nicholas is often pictured, who became Saint for having saved three children (or three virgins): perhaps a symbol for the sun being "still" for three days.
The Sardinian Sun Goddess was Nouel, after NOU (new) and EL (sun), and was reborn from ABBA (water): by putting these words together, you get B abba Y Nou El: Babbay Nou El, the Sun Goddess who was reborn to new life from her mother Water... so, could it be that Santa Claus is not a name but a phrase used in the ancient Sardinian language, dating back more than six millennia ago? A phrase telling of ancient Sardinians who longed for the rebirth of the Sun Goddess from the waters surrounding their land, which saved men from cold and darkness. Babbay Nou El brought the best gift one could wish for: light, warmth, hope, giving it to the Sardinians more than 6000 years ago.
Therefore, it seems that Santa Claus was not born in Scandinavia, nor in America or in Turkey! For a moment, taking advantage of the magic that only Christmas allows us, we may suppose to be able to tell the children that Santa Claus exists, he warms us every day, gives us life, and that Sardinians gave him his name so many many years ago.
“What for others is myth, for Sardinians is history” (Davide Cocco)
written by Daniela Toti
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