The Tsunami s'Unda Manna 0 Commentaires

Italian National Geographic on June 26, 2023 published an article on a tsunami of 3,600 years ago which was the cause of one of the greatest disasters of humanity. It was caused by the volcanic eruption of Thera (now Santorini island) in the Aegean Sea, one of the most destructive eruptions which transformed the history of the Mediterranean area. Archaeologists say the tsunami may have killed tens of thousands of people.
Many scholars believe that the collective memory of this traumatic event that occurred around 1600 BC, Bronze Age, may have given rise to Plato's image of the sunken city of Atlantis...
It is then easy for me daring to connect the Thera tsunami to s'Unda Manna, the gigantic wave hypothesized by Sergio Frau that submerged Nuragic Sardinia, as we reported in our article of January 2019 "Atlantis, the Center of the World and ... Sardinia!"
Azedine Beschaouch, renowned archaeologist, Academician of France, main adviser to the UNESCO director for culture, during a study conference in Sassari in 2004, gave an interview where he spoke of Frau's book, agreeing that the hypothesis was valid as "for the first time a scholar has the merit of linking all the sources and of explaining himself not from a theoretical point of view but in the light of an analytical reading", further confirming that "thanks to this very important book we can finally say with great probability that the Island of Sardinia is the Island of Atlas”, and promoting the exhibition "Atlantikà: Sardaigne, Ile Mythe" in Paris at the Maison de l'Unesco in 2005, with speakers who discussed Frau's hypothesis, among which was Azedine Beschaouch himself.
Beschaouch had declared that for Plato’s classical Greek world the known limit of the world was the Mediterranean, but it was not the Strait of Gibraltar being instead the Strait of Sicily. So, as Frau states, the Pillars of Hercules must be moved there. "Here you are. From now on, no one will be able to examine the problem of the Pillars of Hercules and offer new visions or hypotheses without relying on the solid foundations of Sergio Frau's book" concluded Beschaouch.
The tsunami of Thera and Frau’s s'Unda Manna could therefore be the same enormous and anomalous flood that buried many settlements in Sardinia with debris, such as the magnificent “Su Nuraxi Barumini”, which were found covered under hills of muddy origin.
And again, all also squares with what was said on "The Nuragic Decline", that perfect storm, namely a series of disastrous events, earthquakes, floods and climate change, which were probably the cause of the dusk of the Nuragic civilization.
The most interesting thing about all this is: if Atlantis and Sardinia are the same thing, Plato's descriptions of the land of Atlantis seem well fitting Sardinia. In fact, he portrays a millenary civilization that inhabited a sacred island, people of warriors, navigators and daring architects who built magnificent stone towers, never seen elsewhere. A land rich in veins of silver and springs revered as sacred, (see "Holy Wells & Sacred Springs") and where life lasted longer (see "Blue Zone"), with lots of sun which allowed more harvests during the year, this was a happy island.
This is indeed the happy island that will host you during your holiday at the Gabbiano Azzurro Hotel & Suites, and if you try, even if only for a moment, considering that perhaps you could be in Atlantis, the mythical ... the holiday will become fantastic.
“The pursuit for Atlantis strikes the heart’s deepest chords with the sense of melancholy loss of a wonderful idea, a blissful perfection once belonged to mankind." Pierre Benoît
--Written by Daniela Toti
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