10 Characters With Sardinia In The Heart
Catégories Traditions & Folklore Personalities History & Culture Golfo Aranci Arts & Artisans Tags: traditions & folklore personalities history & culture golfo aranci arts & artisans 0 Commentaires
They were born in Sardinia, or they came to be acquainted with the island later on. However, they tied their existence to Sardinia, making it become an important part of their soul. The mythical hero...
Lire la suiteSardinian Language And Music
Catégories Traditions & Folklore History & Culture Arts & Artisans Tags: traditions & folklore history & culture arts & artisans 0 Commentaires
Language and music, so closely linked and integrated together, belong to the vast Sardinian culture, combining the heritage of the past with the present one. The study of popular and traditional mus...
Lire la suiteEnrico Mereu, Sculptor Of Asinara Island
Catégories Personalities Nature & Landscape Arts & Artisans Tags: personalities nature & landscape arts & artisans 0 Commentaires
The round hills covered with the mediterranean scrub, inhabited by the rare white donkeys, the magical colours of a sea rich of life, the Marine Protected Area since 2002. This is the Island of Asina...
Lire la suite10 Places To Visit in Sardinia
Catégories Traditions & Folklore Nature & Landscape History & Culture Hiking & Trekking Golfo Aranci Experiences & Activities Arts & Artisans Tags: traditions & folklore nature & landscape history & culture hiking & trekking golfo aranci experiences & activities arts & artisans 0 Commentaires
If one day, during your beach holiday at Gabbiano Azzurro Hotel & Suites , the sun decides to play hide and seek with the clouds ... here are some places not too far away for you to enrich your ...
Lire la suite11 Interesting Facts About Sardinia That You Might Not Know
Catégories Traditions & Folklore Personalities Nature & Landscape History & Culture Golfo Aranci Experiences & Activities Arts & Artisans Tags: traditions & folklore personalities nature & landscape history & culture golfo aranci experiences & activities arts & artisans 0 Commentaires
Perhaps something more than just " curious facts " but rather precious peculiarities of this wonderful Island that would complete your " Sardinia Experience " with news and facts belonging exclu...
Lire la suite4 Reasons To Choose Sardinia
Catégories Traditions & Folklore Sealife & Watersports Nature & Landscape History & Culture Food Experiences & Activities Arts & Artisans Tags: traditions & folklore sealife & watersports nature & landscape history & culture food experiences & activities arts & artisans 0 Commentaires
Sardinia is the place that for more than half a century has entered into the tourists’ collective imagination, as a wonderful fantasy where the holiday dream is immersed, no longer intended as...
Lire la suiteOrgosolo: The Murals City
Catégories Traditions & Folklore Experiences & Activities Arts & Artisans Tags: traditions & folklore experiences & activities arts & artisans 0 Commentaires
The heart of the true Ichnusa (ancient name for Sardinia), the land of the proud shepherds, lies in Barbagia , an austere territory far from the famous amiable territory of Sardinia seaside. Fr...
Lire la suite7 Sardinian Handicraft Products You Should Know
Catégories Traditions & Folklore Nature & Landscape Experiences & Activities Arts & Artisans Tags: traditions & folklore nature & landscape experiences & activities arts & artisans 0 Commentaires
Sardinia is a land able to charm thanks to the versatility of the territory and of the millennial culture. Gabbiano Azzurro Hotel & Suites aims to let these multiple wonderful aspects...
Lire la suitePinuccio Sciola: Sardinian Sculptor & Muralist
Catégories Personalities Golfo Aranci Arts & Artisans Tags: personalities golfo aranci arts & artisans 0 Commentaires
Golfo Aranci ’s promenade is embellished with two "Sails" carved in stone plus a group of three soundtracks by Pinuccio Sciola (15th March 1942 – 13th May 2016), the only sculptor wh...
Lire la suiteBeer In Sardinia
Catégories Food Arts & Artisans Tags: food arts & artisans 0 Commentaires
A nice glass of cold beer on a sunny day and you feel it down your throat, taking away the dryness and switching it into a delicious and thirst-quenching bitterish taste while lying under the umbrell...
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