Thiesi: Sas Picas de Monte 'E Mesu 0 Comments
At 1h and 40m, 125 km from Gabbiano Azzurro Hotel & Suites, the magic of mysterious Sardinia is there. An area that has not yet been officially investigated where fans weave a thousand theories drawing interesting conclusions but still without being made official by Archeology.
The site is in Thiesi and is called Sas Picas de Monte 'E Mesu. The name already anticipates the subject of the place: Sas Picas in Sardinian means "the basins", and in fact climbing the ridge of Monte 'E Mesu, in Thiesi, at the top there is a large flat boulder that has three basins dug in sequence on the rock, two squared not so deep and a third deeper in the shape of a truncated cone.
They are dug into a slope and connected to each other by small channels, hence the hypothesis that a liquid passed from the first to the second basin and then ended up into the conical one. On the other side of the three basins, always on the same slab, a perfectly semi-circular excavation. Around the monumental boulder, which somehow reminds me of The Oschiri’s Rocky Altar Of Santo Stefano, having the same charm and the same mystery, are the steps, almost an amphitheatre where perhaps those who attended the ceremonial that was carried out there, whatever it was, were sitting. And there are also many framed slabs, boulders certainly worked for some purpose that unfortunately didn’t reach us. Not far away there is a Nuraghe with the same name, overlooking the rock, perhaps built there to facilitate the protective defence of the village, of which remain only traces of huts abandoned for millennia.
A great suggestion and the charm of the mystery accompany me as I enjoy the harsh landscape, softened by the foliage of the Mediterranean Macchia, where the wind plays provocatively both among those branches and in my hair and seems to tell me that he knows the history of this site, almost rejoicing of my unsatisfied curiosity. In fact, you are not prepared for all this beauty and mystery in an intact place, perhaps precisely because it is so inaccessible and difficult to reach. Nuragic place of worship? As for the altar of Santo Stefano, the hypothesis also arises that it was the place where the "stripping" of the dead was practised to bury their bones only or, even better, where the shamans gave birth, and the unborn child was purified and washed in the three consecutive passages in the basins almost an initiation rite, "where the new-born creature, hold by the celebrant, with purely superstitious and propitiatory functions, saw the light up there, a stone's throw from heaven, under strict control of the gods and the stars, purified from the sun, if born during the day or from the moon, if born at night…” (Piera Farina-Sechi).
Written by Daniela Toti
Photo of the Thiesi's altar taken from the web
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